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Eyecare Professionals was founded in 1933 and was originally named "Livingston Optical." At the time, the practice was located at 105 N. Main, but in 1969 a fire destroyed the building. The practice then moved in 115 W. Callendar. In 1991, the practice was incorporated and the name changed to "Livingston Eye Clinic and Optical." In 1994, the practice moved for its final time to 305 W. Park Street. In 1997 the practice officially became "Eyecare Professionals and Mountain Eyewear".

1933: Dr. Schafferzick opens "Livingston Optical", located at 105 N. Main St.
1960: Dr. Kitts purchases the practice from Dr. Schafferzick.

1987: Dr. Jamie Barney purchases the practice from Dr. Kitts.

1994: Livingston Eye Clinic and Optical moved to 305 W. Park street.

2009: Dr. Marisa Hess joins the practice.
2018: Dr. Hanna Barney joins the practice .

2020: Dr. Jamie Barney retires

1969: Fire Destroyed the Livingston Optical building. The practice moves to 115 W. Callendar.
1991: The practice is incorporated and the name is changed to "Livingston Eye Clinic and Optical".
1997: the practice officially becomes "Eyecare Professionals and Mountain Eyewear".
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